Sunday 1 September 2024


I tried to fly High in the sky,
Then I realised my wings were cut.
I tried to run on the land,
Then I realised there is no way to run.
I tried shout with all voices I had,
Then I realised I don't have a voice anymore.
I tried to love with my whole heart
Then I realised my heart has already stopped.
I tried to cry louder then anytime,
Then I realised my emotions and tears are already dried.
I tried feel the touch of love,
Then I realised that sadness has already taken over me.
I tried to be happy,
Then I realised happiness has cost.
I tried to smile,
Then I realised smile can cost your happiness.
I wished to live my life on my own terms,
Then I realised that my life already belong to someone else.


Friday 22 February 2019


I tried to share every piece of me,
Through every word I write,
But found no one to understand them.

I tried to match my rythm of life,
Through every step I walk,
But found no one to match with them.

I tried to survive with every stop,
By hoping that someone will save me,
But found no one who can save me.

I tried not to fall while walking,
By hoping that someone will hold me,
But found no one who can hold me.

I tried not to cry,
By being happy all the time,
But found no one who can see tears, behind those happy eyes.

I tried not to look sad,
By putting smile on my face everyday,
But found no one to see sadness behind those smiles.

I tried to feel lonely,
By putting myself in between big crowd,
But found no one who can accept me the way I want.

I tried to feel being loved,
By being with people I love,
But found no one who can love me.

Tuesday 11 September 2018


You came to my life,
And enlighten my life,
With big hope.

You are Ray of hope,
You are new sun for Army,
You are humble,
You are kind.

You are a person,
Who teaches others,
Not to give up no matter,
How hard it is.

You are a person,
Who teaches others,
How to fall in love with ourselves.

You are a person,
Whom Armys look for,
When they are in pain.

You are one of the best leader,
Who always stand and support his family and friends.
You are a person,
Who give love to others unconditionally.

You are a reason,
I learned to love myself.
I know now there is someone,
Someone out there who is healing my pain,.

Thank you for being born,
Thank you for forming BTS,
Thank you for never giving up,
Thank you for existing.

Happy birthday KIM NAMJOON
May you fly more higher and higher and sky touches your feet.

Tuesday 20 March 2018


When I see you,
You make my HEART FLUTTER,
Your nature makes me,
Fall in love love with you every second.
Your music gives me happiness,
Your story gives me strength,
Your words give me hope,
Your smile makes makes my heart calm.
You came to my life,
When i was in verge of giving up,
It was like,
You held my hand,
And bought me out of the hell.
Now everytime i think of giving up,
Your song BORN SINGER rings in my ear,
It tells me how hard work,
Can make your dream come true.
You taught me how to dream,
Because of you i got a family,
A big family called ARMY,
Because of you now,
I am never alone.
Everytime i see you,
You motivates me to work more harder,
You motivates me to keep moving,
You motivates me to never give up.
Thank you for saving me,
Thank you for motivating me,
You are my first thought in the morning,
You are my last word at the night,
And this you is only and only BTS

Tuesday 10 October 2017


Every step which I take,
Makes me feel how hard it can be,
To move forward with smile on face.
But still I keep moving forward,
Trying to overcome all hurdles which I face.

Pain in my heart,
Keep on increasing with every step.
More I move forward,
More it becomes hard to fight.

I keep on searching for someone,
Who can hold me tight,
Who can help me to pass all hurdles,
One who can save me from all pain.

I try to hold everything inside me,
But now it's becoming hard to hold,
More I try hold, more painful it become,
Please save me, save me from more sufferings.

I don't know anymore,
How long I will be able to hold that pain.
I don't know anymore,
How long I will be able to walk.
I don't know anymore,
How long I can survive.
I don't know,
Will my saver will ever come to save me.

The faith and trust inside me,
The believe and love Inside me,
Is vanishing with each step I am taking,
I wish somebody can help me get that lost things back.

I want to run to place,
Were I can shout to my heart out.
I want to run to a place,
Were I can cry my heart out.
I want to run to place ,
Were someone can hug me

Sunday 10 September 2017


When I first I came to know you,
It was just just very little I came to know.
As the time passed,
I learned lot about you.

Your story made me cry,
At the same time it inspired me,
You are the true inspiration for all those,
Who at one point think of giving up.

You fought for your dreams
You stood up for dreams of your members,
You kept fighting instead of so much hate,
You taught me how to be strong in any situation.

Instead of so much struggle
You stood up like a mountain.
You let yourself flow like a river
And fly like a bird.

The more I learn about you,
The more you inspire me.
You are a best leader,
You are a best friend any person would be blessed to have,
You are best supporter a friend can get
In one word you are just perfect.

Thank you for being born,
Thank you for inspiring me
Happy birthday Kim Namjoon
May you get everything you want in your life.....

Saturday 12 August 2017


I was having battle with myself.
I hated myself that,
i cannot walk to the place I want to,
People hated me,
Thinking me as a misfortune,
I lied to myself thinking,
I am not born to be loved.

But what if I choose other way,
so that others should love me.
I will be happy if,
I become reason for someone's smile.
And I promise
I will be the best man,
Who will do everything for others.

But I know no matter what I do,
No Matter how much I do,
They will never love me.

Today I promise myself,
Before making others love me,
I will love myself,
I will cheer myself.

No matter what happen,
I will never stop believing myself.
Everything makes me realise that,
If you want others to accept you,
Others to believe in you,
Others to love you.

Then first start to believe in yourself,
Start to accept yourself in everyway,
And one thing that can change everything



I tried to fly High in the sky, Then I realised my wings were cut. I tried to run on the land, Then I realised there is no way to run. I tri...